Anthony Bradshaw/Getty Images
Diversifying your portfolio with gold investments can be smart at any time, but in today’s economic climate, it can be particularly wise. Gold has long been known as a hedge against inflation, and with economic concerns still at the forefront, it can also be a good way to balance risk and protect your wealth, too.
If you’re looking to get started in gold investing, 1-ounce gold bars can be a good place to begin. You can buy these at precious metal retailers, pawn shops or even big-box stores like Costco, so they’re easy to find. According to experts, they offer many perks, too, which we will break down below.
See how the right 1-ounce gold bar investment could benefit you here now.
4 1-ounce gold bar benefits you may not know
Considering investing in 1-ounce gold bars now? Here are four benefits to be aware of:
They’re cheaper
If you’re buying physical gold, you’ll typically look to either bars or coins. One-ounce bars are right in the middle of gold bar options — smaller than 1-kilo bars but larger than 1-gram ones. They can be a better option if you’re working with less capital or want to get more for your money. Additionally, they are generally an economical choice for those seeking price exposure and a bit of monetary insurance.
It’s essential to consider the cost-effectiveness of 1-ounce gold bars when starting your gold investment journey.
They’re easy to sell
One-ounce gold bars are favored for their balance between value and liquidity. They can be a good option if you are looking for flexibility when selling your gold investments quickly. Additionally, smaller denominations like 1-ounce bars and coins may offer greater flexibility in selling portions of your holdings.
Choosing the right denomination of gold bars can impact the ease of selling them when needed.
They’re easy to store
One-ounce gold bars are practical for individuals concerned about storage space. They take up very little space, making them an ideal choice for those who do not want to rent a storage unit or safety deposit box for their gold investments. Proper storage of one-ounce bars can ensure the safety and security of your investment.
Considering storage options for your gold bars is crucial to protect your investment and ensure its accessibility when needed.
They’re good for beginners
For beginner investors, 1-ounce gold bars provide a simple and effective way to start investing in gold without needing a significant amount of capital or extensive research. Investing in these bars from reputable retailers like Costco or Walmart can spark an interest in gold investment and serve as an entry point into the asset class.
Starting your investment journey with 1-ounce gold bars can lay a strong foundation for future investment decisions in the precious metals market.
A trade-off
It’s important to consider that smaller denominations like 1-ounce gold bars may come at a higher cost per ounce compared to larger bars. While 1-ounce bars offer flexibility and ease of selling, larger bars could be more cost-effective per ounce. Consulting with an investment professional can help assess the trade-offs and determine the best gold investment strategy based on your financial goals and budget.
Seeking professional advice on gold denominations can provide insights into maximizing your investment potential in the gold market.